9-12th grade materials were made possible by State
Farm®. |
Mathematics and Economics: Connection for Life, 9-12 is a set of 15
lessons showing how mathematical processes and concepts may be applied
in the study of economics and personal finance. In this volume, mathematics
educators will find lessons connecting mathematics instruction to practical
problems and issues that students will encounter through their lifetimes.
In the study of these problems and issues, economics and mathematics are natural
intellectual allies. Economics is, after all, the study of peoples' attempts
to make good decisions in an uncertain world endowed with limited resources.
The tools economists use--for example, those related to optimization and informed
decision-making--gain power, elegance, and visual appeal as they are represented
mathematically in models. Indeed, one might think of economics as "first
quadrant math" since economic magnitudes only rarely take on a negative
sign. Research indicates the students with a strong background in mathematics
are more likely than others to succeed in their introductory college-level economics
But the lessons presented here are not designed exclusively for college-bound
students. Several of them are intended to serve a general education purpose,
providing knowledge and skills that students will use subsequently as savers,
investors, consumers, producers, and informed citizens.
